Monday, 25 May 2020

On progress of a sort

There was a long sunny spell last week with only minimal heat. As well, there was an Easterly wind which I used to explore more the Eastern end of the Island. On Saturday, I biked out to Montreal East along Notre-Dame, then headed inland and over to Blvd Henri-Bourassa. There was an amusingly named commerce along the way.
I headed West along that artery which was largely clear of cyclists who don't know how to ride in traffic. Together with long blocks, traffic lights with useful synchronisation and a tailwind, I was able get in some very nice "whee-ing". Interestingly, the most frequented businesses seemed to be garden centres though later on, there was a slightly disturbingly popular business. I was passing through what I believe was Montreal-Nord which is the COVID-19 hotspot of Canada. There was a line up outside one business in a mini-mall, namely a check-cashing business. To the best of my recollection, I have used cash maybe once since getting back from Vancouver. I do my banking online, and I have automatic deposit for my pay-check. It was sobering to think that a large number of people don't have access to such services that I take for granted for one reason or another. I couldn't help wondering if cash transactions are possibly one infection vector for COVID-19.

My goal was the Montreal branch of MEC where I was hoping to get a few bike related bits and pieces. I wasn't certain if this was possible. The website was giving slightly contradictory information. On the one hand, it said it was closed. On the other, it said it was open for bike repairs and bike sales. Strictly speaking, none of the things I wanted fell into those categories. However, I was looking for tire levers, bike tires and a bike bell could be glossed into bike repairs. I didn't need to worry, as in reality, the whole lower floor of the store was open for business, with a few caveats about washing your hands, no returns and of course keeping your distance. The signage on the latter was quite amusing:

Unfortunately, the store was out of the particular size of tire I was after. However, I stumbled upon a relatively large seat bag for Victor.

Today marked the first day that non-essential stores in certain categories may be open in Montreal. After work, I headed off to Archambault on Berri to buy a DVD. As I rode Justin downtown, I carried on with a notion that I had been working on for about a week. All in all, I think I was lucky and smart to buy Justin when I did as the MEC 1971 is no longer available. As well, it has been useful to have a true city bike. It seems I bought it just in time. I repeated that thought in my head: "Just in time." My commuting bike now has a last name. The full name is now: Justin Thyme. When I get the chance, I will have to get a sticker with a clock or a watch on it.

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