Well, it has been a busy and eventful morning. I managed to speak with Ortho. There were a number of questions back and forth such as why was I getting my opioid dose by injection? Neither of us knew, so it is now orally. I later spoke with a pain specialist who was quite informative and reassuring
I asked about timelines for the next set of operations. It seems the hip fixations are supposed to come out at about 4-6 weeks post operation. I pointed out that they had been installed on the night of September 2nd, so they have been in for 5 weeks at this point, so maybe they will be out next week.
He mentioned by left arm should be healed soonish so I will be able to start putting weight on it. This could mean being to transfer myself into a wheelchair.
There was also some talk going to rehab soonish for a spell before coming back for more leg surgery. After more than 4 weeks in this room, any change would be nice.
Then it was decided remove my Foley catheter. I had a few minor fears about this. They proved to be irrelevant. So I am starting to pee normally.
Great!! On all fronts.