Sunday 7 July 2024

On coincidence of Griffins and other tidbits

 Saturday of last week, Mummy and I went to the Farmers' Market in North Hatley. There, there was a three fold coincidence of Susans. We then went to LeBaron's. As usual, it took me more time to get out of the car than Mummy. While doing so, I thought I saw James' son Griffin arriving by bike and head into the store. I wasn't 100% sure it was him, so I said nothing. The floor at the entryway of LeBaron's is not 100% smooth, so my gaze was downwards as I came. I heard someone call a greeting to me so I looked up to see Griffin, the younger brother of Elliott the owner. I replied "Hi Griffin!" where upon James' son Griffin looked up from his position two spaces behind Griffin brother of Elliott and said "Hi Daniel!" I know exactly two people whose first name is "Griffin" and both of them were in line at the cash of the store.

Mummy told me that Elliott's older sons, Aiden and Orran, had been pushed around the store in a shopping cart. Orran was facing backwards, so when the cart when forwards he started going "Beeeep, Beeeep" like a truck backing up. It sounded like such a wonderfully typical small boy thing to do. I hope that doesn't sound sexist.

I went to see the movie Furiosa, a Mad Max saga yesterday. When I came out of the theater, it was about time for supper, so I hobbled along Ste-Catherine's street to Reuben's delicatessen and steak house. While perusing the menu, my eyes caught sight of one the more expensive offerings, namely a 40 ounce tomahawk ribeye steak. Elliott had mentioned that he never ordered steak at a restaurant as it would three times more expensive and not as good. On hearing about the tomahawk steak the Parents and I had enjoyed chez Elliott, Dominique had commented that the tomahawk steaks had been nearly fifty dollars each at LeBaron's. The ones on the menu at Reuben's were $165! Needless to say, I didn't order one.

I will say this about Reuben's. After my meal, I needed to use the loo. Normally, that would have meant climbing a set of stairs, however, I was directed by a waiter to an unmarked toilet on the main floor at the back of the restaurant. This involved multiple "Excuse me"'s to various patrons in the crowded restaurant. Everyone was very kind and understanding. 

I must say that people have been very kind to me about my condition. In fact, after the incident in LeBaron's with the two Griffins, I walked, well, hobbled over to the North Hatley Library to renew my membership, rather than having to get in and out of the car for the short trip. While I was in front the Club tennis courts, someone unknown to me drove up in an grey SUV and asked if I needed a lift! I politely turned him down saying that I was just going to the Library.

In other news, I have started climbing stairs in a more normal fashion. That is put one foot on a step, then put the other foot on the next step. It is a bit more complicated than normal as climbing with the left foot first involves making sure both arms are available to assist my left. I still can't go down stairs with my right foot first.

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