Sunday 23 June 2024

On the last week

Last week saw Montreal and me swelter under a heat and humidity wave. It was rather miserable, and the large bandage around my left leg didn't help. 

On Wednesday, I went to have breakfast a certain distance away after a short visit to the local CLSC. I tried to think of somewhere where I might quiet sit in a comfy chair and read a book in an air conditioned environment. Then it struck me: the Library where I work. So, I got a cab and visited the workplace. I chatted with various co-workers. The latter included the director of the Library with whom I touched on possibly returning to work.

After reading for a couple of hours, I hobbled across the street to the movie theater where I saw Inside out 2, the most recent Pixar movie. As with the previous one, it touched on various psychological issues. I'm not afraid to say that it had me crying by the end of it.

Coming home, I lucked out by getting a very nice taxi driver. He was chatty and got me out of my tearing mood.

On Friday, the heatwave broke. Also, my new SAAQ agent phoned. The talk we had was quietly productive and reassuring.

On Saturday, I hobbled over to my breakfast place. It was quite busy on account of the holiday weekend and the fact it had just reopened as the owner had been away on vacation. In fact, when I came in, there wasn't a table available. However, the owner asked a group of three young women if they wouldn't mind concentrating themselves on to one table so there would be a table for me. This was a sign to me that I am in the valued but temporarily disabled customer category. 

Later in the day, a pair of gaming buddies came over. We had an enjoyable session of Unmatched using the Slings and Arrows expansion. This meant playing William Shakespeare or some of his creations, viz Hamlet, Titania or the Wayward Sister (a.k.a. the Weird Sisters).

This morning, I hobbled back to the breakfast place where I noticed a pair of touring bikes parked outside. I happened to sit next to the owners, a pair of young Americans who were trying to figure out how to get from Quebec City to either Montreal or Toronto on Via Rail with their bikes. I offered my knowledge on the subject. As they were planning on going to Quebec City, I proposed giving them an old copy of the Guide de la Route Verte. They turned down the latter. However, it felt good to talk about bike touring.

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