Sunday 30 June 2024

On steaks, docs and cogs

Unlike one of my brothers, I am not given to the “best something ever” hyperbole. In fact, I find my brother’s usage of the trope to be annoying. However, I must confess having employed a similar hyperbole recently with reason. Now, it may be partly because I have recently been released from 8 months of hospital food, but I have to say that Mummy was also raving about the meal in question.

On Friday, she had come into Montreal with Joey to pick me up and to buy some things for the store. On the trip to North Hatley, Mummy told me we were invited to Elliott’s for supper. Mummy would be bringing various desserts. So around six, we went down River Street to Elliott’s house, where I had a bit of trouble with his front door step. We were greeted by the family, viz. Elliott, Xiaofung, Aiden, Orran and Luke. Joey was also there. We were ushered out onto the porch where I was seated and given Luke to hold, while Elliott fussed over the charcoal barbecue and a pair of tomahawk steaks. Unfortunately, Luke wasn’t happy being held by me for long so he was handed over to more experienced baby holders. Aiden and Orran ran about while the adults chatted and tried to put Luke to sleep.

Elliott applied liberal amounts of Montreal steak seasoning to the steaks while keeping a careful watch on the timing of this and that including pausing the cooking of the steaks. All this was worth it as the end result was the best steak that I have eaten. Period. Tender and flavourful, and OMG delicious.

It may be that Elliott’s cooking success rate is considered “normal” by his sons, but Aiden surprised us by wanting to eat straight Dijon mustard! Pretty surprising for five-year old. Then again, he has grown up around LeBaron’s store!

Earlier in the week, I had gone into the General for check up with my orthopaedic surgeon. After presenting my cards at the reception, I hobbled over to waiting area. On the way, I saw a woman with a baby stroller with the hood partially up. I politely asked if I might admire her child. She was happy to oblige and pushed back the hood so that I might gaze upon the happy, chubby infant within. It made me happy for a bit.

The doctor was full of enthusiasm and said my leg was doing fine. I asked if I might start returning to work? He indicated there would be no problem. Unfortunately, he didn’t offer to give me a note to that effect. When I emailed the Library about a gradual return to work, I was told that I needed such a document. So now, I am trying to get in contact with his secretary to get the blasted piece of paper. *Grumble*

The next day, I met my physio again who gave a some new exercises. From there, I hobbled to the Home Depot get some small hooks and then back to my condo. Probably a record distance for me.

I had thought that I might use my leg as an excuse to indulge in a small bucket list item this weekend, namely taking the cog railways up and down Mount Washington. However, the one way driving distance is about the same as Montreal to North Hatley and I was exhausted by the end of night on Friday. My energy levels aren’t what they used to be. So I think I’ll put that one on back burner. I hope I’ll be up to it before the summer is out, or else it might be another four years before I will be able to do it.

Time to do my exercises.

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