Monday 6 April 2020

On a good first day of the regimen

Today was cool and sunny. It was also a day when I had to prepare a batch of beef stew. This meant I meant I did the active preparation at lunchtime and put the pot in the oven to slowly cook while I worked until 5:30. At that point, I took Victor von Fleddermoose out for a "whee" jaunt to Lachine and back. I got home, took the lid off the stew and warmed up some nan bread in a frying pan, then served myself a well-earned portion of stew. It may not be PC to say it, but I do enjoy a good beef stew.

I also am satisfied with my performance on the bike. I also had a certain pleasure when during a phone call with the director of the library, she asked me what my schedule for the rest of the day was as she might have come by with books for me to deal with. With a certain mix of emotions, I said that I would be at home working until 5:30, but then I wanted get in a ride on the bike as it was a sunny day. A cyclist herself, she accepted that as reasonable.

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