Saturday 6 June 2020

On second time lucky twice over

Thanks to this website, I was able to know in advance where Montreal's humpback was likely to be early this afternoon. In point of fact, it was hanging out in the Lemoyne Channel between Île Sainte-Hêlène and Île Notre-Dame. Very conveniently, it was between two bridges between those islands and wasn't moving around much.
 It is in this picture but it is hard to see.
The basic technique of whale watching was to wait for a spout...
...then observe the back as the huge creature sank below the waves. It was staying more or less in the same place, swimming against the current. I watched for about fifteen minutes.
I was hardly the only one there to see the whale.

I then set off to the Canadian Tire I had visited yesterday and successfully bought a bike trailer. I assembled it and rode home just as it started to rain. As I arrived home, one of my neighbours said: "Nice bike trailer!"   "Thank you. I just bought it!


Margo and Chris said...

Wow!!! Lucky you!!!! Very special!! (The whale, but the trailer is nice too.)
Please send pics of trailer, showing where you park it and how you use it.


Susan Gwyn said...

Yay! And has anyone thanked you for tge debit card?