Sunday 21 January 2024

On some bits of life in rehab

This entry is a collection of some short vignettes and random bits of life in the hospital.

About the first time I did my own laundry here, for some reason, I went into the elevator backwards rather than my more normal frontwards. Arriving at level 1, I got my small front wheels caught in the trough of elevator doors. My hands were occupied with the bag of laundry and the bottle of laundry detergent. A pair of maintenance men were in the corridor and asked me if I needed a hand. I said yes and handed one of them the bag of laundry to hold while I used my arms to extricate myself. They were a tad surprised.

There is an employee who works in gym I use. A significant part of her duties seem to be to disinfect the various exercise equipment after use by the patients. One day, I was using the Nu-Step machine which is across from her main work area when the sight of a clothes drying rack caught my attention. It seemed incongruous amongst the medical rehabilitation gear. I then saw the employee washing a large elastic band in disinfectant and carefully hanging it to dry on the rack. In hindsight, it made perfect sense. I chuckled aloud which caught the ear of the employee who mistook it for something being wrong. I explained my thought process which in turn both amused her and probably validated her work for her.

While I was getting my hair cut yesterday, the hairdresser asked what had happened to my leg. Before I could formulate my answer she added: “Was it a car accident? A bike accident?” I replied: “Both! I was riding a bike when I got hit by a car.”

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