Thursday 11 January 2024

On stepping up in the World

Well, dear readers, yours truly just took some steps up in the world. This morning after using the regular walker to go a bit more the 50 meters around the gym non-stop (an achievement in itself), I went over to a set of stairs. After discussing the procedure with the physio, I grabbed the railings and slowly went up, right foot first and left foot trailing. At the top of the five steps, I hummed the Rocky theme and would have done a double air punch had I anywhere near enough confidence to let go with both hands. The physio and I had brief discussion about how royalty waves. I wasn’t sure how King Charles waves, but I enlightened Danielle about how the late Queen had used a “elbow, elbow, wrist, wrist, wrist” technique.

After lunch, the O.T. session was largely held in my room. I was asked to practice transit to the walker from my bed, the latter being set to various heights. I also transitioned from the walker to the toilet. While maneuvering with the walker around my room, I observed that it was odd to see the place from “on high”. As my more astute readers may deduce, the purpose of these exercises is to get me ready to started using the walker instead of the wheelchair to get around, with all the benefits and perils inherent in such a switch. What with a meeting with Ortho at the General tomorrow, I’m feeling a shade hopeful-nervous.

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