Thursday 22 February 2024

On a glimmer at the end of the tunnel

Things are getting better on the whole. This afternoon, I managed 8 laps around the gym for a personal record. Furthermore, I managed to renew my Communauto membership.

Later in the afternoon, my replacement occupational therapist came by with some important information. The first thing was that she and others in my team were able to determine that I had been operated on 4 times at the General. So at least that is sorted out.

The second was that they were trying to get in contact with my orthopaedic doctor at the General to see if it was possible to get a reasonable estimate as when my operation will take place as they describe my condition as stable, meaning I can’t get much better. If the answer is that the operation is a significant time from now, then they would like to explore the option of sending me home, or at least, a reasonable facsimile of home, given the issue of my stairs. 

There would a lot of things to sort out, as well as untold “if”s to overcome, but it is at least a glimmer at the end of the tunnel.

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