Sunday 5 November 2023

On conformity and a brave niece cousin

During today’s chair time, I asked to be placed so I looked up the street, as opposed to my more usual down the street. The PA commented that the houses made the street look like Privet Drive from Harry Potter, being all built to the same general specification by the same builder. While quite recently built by my standards, they did have a quality that put me in mind of the song “Little boxes” by Malvina Reynolds, as sung by Pete Seeger. The conformity is heightened by the fact that I can see that three of the houses having snow removal signs from the same company.

I also remembered that I could access Louise and John’s family photo albums. I spent the best part of an hour OD’ing on the antics of Arthur, Ruby and Tessa. There was one video of Tessa that really impressed me. She had made it the top of a climbing wall. To get down, she pushed herself away from the wall and let the automatic safety rope lower her safely to the ground. Not much you say? Except that she did it arms and legs splayed wide with no obvious signs of anxiety! I’m nervous as anything when I get hoisted up by the crane between bed and chair.

1 comment:

Margo and Chris said...

You are the hung ho person who coined the term “whee factor” to describe the sensation of the wind in one’s hair when cycling at speed. Maybe you should shout “wheeeee!” while you’re being lifted and swung into your wheelchair?