Sunday 26 November 2023

On some clarifications

It seems that at least one of my readers failed to understand my implied decision about moving to a new facility. The answer was “Yes!” but owing to my nature and the fact that no immediate decision was necessary, I only formally said “Yes, please” to the transfer the next day.

I have heard good things about the Gingras-Lindsay Institute from multiple independent sources. Furthermore, Michael (God bless him) asked Victoria the physio a question that I had been wondering about but didn’t want to ask for fear of being seen as petty, namely would I have a private room? The answer is yes owing to the nature of the Institute’s work.

When will I be moving? I don’t know. I am the first person in line, but I will have to wait for the person before me to leave which I gather is soon. Whether that means days or weeks, I don’t know, but I do know it isn’t months.

Apparently, when my case was being evaluated when I was back at the General, my athleticism prior to the accident was a distinct point in my favour. Many of the orderlies and nurses have also commented on how I was in such good shape before the accident. 

I have trouble with this. I was distinctly overweight at over 220 pounds. In the last year, I went to the gym more often to take a shower after biking to work than to lift weights. I was relatively fit compared to the average Canadian and had powerful thighs from decades of biking. However, the biking was due largely from a combination of being too intellectually lazy to buy a car and having a privileged station in life that made biking touring accessible.

I don’t feel like I was a real athlete. I was just lucky.


Susan Gwyn said...

At least you are worth making an effort on!

Hugh said...

Thank you Daniel for the update - Hugh