Saturday 16 December 2023

On a couple of milestones

Good times.

I had an appointment at the Montreal General yesterday (Friday). I was duly woken early and given an early breakfast. After dressing, I was given an envelope with my information and told that my transportation had arrived. 

I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was not assigned an orderly to accompany me. In some ways, it made it easier to navigate the General and its bureaucracy as I didn’t have to “drag” the orderly in my quest to get information out of the General and delivered to Human Resources at my workplace. There was however the bureaucracy to deal with which meant I got back to the Lindsay later than expected. Still, a very nice milestone.

This meant that I missed my physio session which was a pity as it does me good not only physically but psychologically as well. I did get my occupational therapy session in. Between the O.T. and myself, we worked out a protocol for me to use the bathroom to answer calls of nature. I think of this to be a significant milestone.

There was another bit of good news yesterday as someone who seemed authoritative said that I will be moving into Steve’s room on Monday as he leaves on Sunday afternoon. The hospital needs the time to fumigate and disinfect the room of his Britishness. ;-)  (For the record, I cleared that joke with Steve who embellished it.)

To top it off, it is a lovely sunny day.

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