Monday 23 April 2012

On decisions being made

Well, I got my vacation requests for the 2012 summer period back: 3 weeks in June and July and 1 week for John's wedding in August. The June-July vacation will be the Calgary-Winnipeg portion of AMUAM JuNITO. I have already booked a flight with WestJet from Winnipeg back to Montreal. I haven't booked the Montreal to Calgary flight yet as I am waiting on the latest seat sale from Air Canada before selecting which airline I will take.

WestJet is generally the better airline for cyclists having slightly cheaper base fares and a much cheaper bike transport policy than Air Canada. However, Air Canada's East to West flights leave at better hours for me. Conversely, Winnipeg to Montreal, WestJet had the better schedule.

In any case, I should get Leonardo ready for the summer's big bike trips.

I have booked the Montreal to Calgary flight on WestJet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a relief! Nice to have it settled!
