Wednesday, 22 January 2025

On gifts and gratitude

It may be partly my librarian's instinct which seeks to match things with people, but I find that gift giving can be lots of fun. I found that Alice's Anna, Maria and Kerry to be a fun batch to give to last Christmas. I had lined up the latest edition of the Player's Handbook for Anna early on, I had a bit more trouble with Maria though I did score an axolotl shopping bag from the Vancouver Public Aquarium while in Vancouver Airport as a stocking present. Unfortunately, her main gift of books got delayed owing to issues with the Canada Post strike. Consequently, I sent her a moose-themed singing Christmas card with an apology note. 

I had forgotten about the card until I got a thank you card from Kerry, Maria and Anna this week. I have received permission from Maria to quote her thanks: "The singing moose managed to annoy everyone! Best gift ever! - Maria the Great." I'm rather pleased about that.

On another note, I'll be honest that I often feel dejected and frustrated with the slow pace of my recovery, I am recovering. This evening, I went out to supper at a nearby restaurant for the first time since the accident. Afterwards, I walked along Notre Dame to a drug store before returning home. I'm not sure about just how far that was, but it was significantly further than just to the local grocery store and back. Last summer, I remember having to stop to rest during simple grocery runs. Tonight, there was nothing to it.

I am grateful that I have healed as far as I have. I am grateful that I live in a decent country with proper public medicine, even if it falls short of what it should be. I am grateful for a good job which has waited for me.

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