Saturday 27 April 2019

On further refinements of this year's bike holiday

After a certain amount of thought and fiddling around with Google Maps which is an extremely useful tool when planning bike trips, I have decided that the basic shape of my trip will be to take the train to Jasper, then bike to Saskatoon, via the Icefields Parkway and Drumheller. Not the most ambitious trip I have ever contemplated but one that I want to do. The Icefields Parkway came into the mix via the blog of a Frenchwoman who warm showered at Margo's a few year back while I happened to be there. Her account of the Icefield Parkway, combined with my recent journey by train from Jasper to Edmonton, persuaded me that it would be more fun to have some more time in the Canadian Rockies than to leave them early on via the Athabasca River. I may live to regret this decision as the season will be high in the Rockies. ;-)

And "high in the Rockies" is another reason for my decision as in the last two weeks I have fallen for John Denver's "Rocky Mountain High". While I had been aware of the song, mostly through Doonesbury, I had never actually heard it! It makes a good case for mountains.

The Royal Tyrrell Museum and the related dinosaurs, etc. should explain why of Drumheller.

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