Tuesday 9 April 2019

On a slooooow start to the biking season

My Mother is on a trip to Norway and Venice as I write. (Technically, she is in Venice right now.) This trip has meant that I have had the use of a car for about two weeks which I have enjoyed but it has delayed the start of my biking season. Not that I mind too much. Yesterday, there was freezing rain. I passed some cyclists in the car and thought they looked really, really miserable. Today, there was 10 cm of snow! It would okay, except that my boss (who is a cyclist of only modest tenacity) biked into work last Thursday and I hadn't. When I told her that she had embarassed me, she said she would take that as a compliment!

In other biking news (or at least so I hope), I booked a cheapish ticket on the Canadian to Jasper in August. The rough plan is to bike Eastwards until about Saskatoon and fly back. On the other hand, I might bike to Prince Rupert, take the ferry to Vancouver Island, bike to Nanaimo and take a ferry to Vancouver. The possibilities are endless.

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