Tuesday 2 July 2019

On possible new cycle-tourists in the family

I found out yesterday that there has been a happy event which covers not one but two of the standard topics of this blog. To wit, bike-touring and my nieces. It seems that Désirée, my eldest niece, and Dominique, her mother, completed Vélo-Québec's Petite Aventure. This tour was centred around Victoriaville and was essentially out and back type routes. Over the three days, Désirée and Dominique covered nearly 200 kms. I know that Dominique is justifiably proud and I hope Désirée is too!

While certain of my readers may look at organised tours a shade askance, I think this is simply a step on the path to the joys of bike touring. Who knows, maybe in a few years, I will be taking Désirée across Spain. ;-) 

1 comment:

Margo and Chris said...

Bravo, Desirée!!! Bravo, Dominique!!!
On a plein d'idées pour vous-autres!!!