Monday 25 September 2023

On the driver and luck

The driver of the car made at least two more hit and runs before being caught. I can only pray the others weren’t as bad as mine. RCMP arrested and jailed him before being released on bail with conditions including not driving and not seeking to contact victims. I spoke with SQ officers in Montreal, but had little to offer.

For all the bad luck the collision represents, I am lucky. I am Canadian, born into a (relatively) decent and well off family. It happened on a bright sunny day, in Canada, near a hospital. The locals were there to help in a very short time. I was wearing a helmet. I have a job that will wait for me, various insurances, etc. I have various family and friends who are supporting me in this time of crisis (Subject heading: Life changing events).  


Dominique said...

Belle photo malgré la situation.

Heureuse de d'avoir de tes nouvelles

Bon rétablissement.


Margo and Chris said...

We’re the ones he hit after you also cyclists?