Friday 10 August 2018

On wee bairns and "whee" bikes

About a month ago now, I made a quick trip out to Vancouver to inspect and marvel at Louise and Thomas' Tessa and John and Caitlin's Arthur. They are both very cute. What was really fun was to witness Tessa's first go in a Jolly Jumper. It took her a few minutes to figure it out, but she was screaming with happiness by the end. I also go to witness her first encounter with her cousin Arthur. As well, the two were put in their Jolly Jumpers attached to the same doorway so they could bounce in concert.

Inspired by a comment I had made in an earlier post, Margo very kindly rented me a carbon-fibre road bike, or whee bike in the parlance of Margo as you can go "whee!" very easily. It was good fun, even if it did distract me from the wee bairns a shade too much. However, I am not about to rush out to buy one. For one thing, I am leaving tonight for the UK. Also, true whee bikes start at around $3000.00 and I am not sure how much I would use it. Living in Montreal means that it takes quite a while before you can get out into good biking territory, unless you have a car and I don't own one. As well, storage space in my flat is already at a premium.  Furthermore, the rented whee bike revealed one weak point in the system, namely me. I felt it showed me up as being relatively out shape. Which of course I am, but I don't like being reminded of it. ;-)

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