Tuesday 20 August 2019

On curiosity in Kindersley

My helmet mounted mirror has been attracting curiosity. Before getting to my hotel in Kindersley, I stopped at a convenience store to buy some milk and OJ. Coming out, a guy in mechanics' overalls with ear plugs around his neck stopped me to ask how effective it was. (He’d formerly been a bike courier.) The answer being only somewhat. It doesn’t beat the ear and it has blind spots. It is more useful for the longer distances. However, I think it works better than the bar mirror did, though it does require frequent adjustments.

Today, a clerk at a pharmacy asked me what it was!

There is not a whole lot to Kindersley despite its size. Much of the activity seems based on Highway 7 and its associated support activities for transportation, farming and oil and gas. There are four trucks in my hotel parking lot from one fracking company. In the last three places I have stayed in, there have been signs of one type or another designed to manage people coming in with very muddy or grubby clothes and boots after a day out in the field. In contrast, I was the first person to ever ask the desk clerk at my current place if I might be allowed to my bike into my room. I am beginning to think I might just be off the beaten path of cycle-tourists. 😉

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