Monday 9 June 2008

On a little bit of history I will be passing

I read a blog on military and other affairs written by a middle-aged right-wing British fart mostly for the amusement factor of reading his neanderthal-ish comments of on life and British politics. He has a "today in (British) military history" that does come up with some interesting tidbits, such as part of today's entry describing an event that took place in 1866. I quote:

A train carrying ammunition between Quebec and Montreal caught fire near Danville. The truck with the fire was quickly disconnected, but troops and railway staff were in a quandary as to how to deal with it. Seeing the indecision, Private O'Hea of the Rifle Brigade ran to the wagon, opened it and set about fighting the fire. Others then helped him, and the fire was extinguished safely. Most unusually, O'Hea received the Victoria Cross for heroism in a non-combat situation -the only VC won on Canadian Soil.

The railway line is evidently the old Grand Trunk Railway. This line is no longer in service, and forms the basis of the Route Verte between Richmond and Quebec City. Thus, I will see the site of the the above incident.

1 comment:

Victor Chisholm said...

Hey there! Good luck with your forthcoming trip, and may it all go well.