Wednesday 11 October 2023

On additional uses of Winnie-the-Pooh

While Winnie-the-Pooh has provided emotional support in being someone to hug, he has also been useful in other ways, one of them emotional. He was useful in hiding my lower left leg from my gaze while the dressing was changed. While the medical professional doing so said my leg was “looking good”, I had to remind her that it was so from a medical point of view. My brief glances revealed to me a horror of black scabs and whatnot. By changing the angle of my head and placing Pooh on my chest, I could look out without seeing my leg.

I am slightly ashamed to say that he makes for a good iPad rest on my bed. He is serving that function now.


Susan Gwyn said...

As long as no one hangs dish towels on his legs..

Margo and Chris said...

Is this blog going to be renamed "Pooh Wanderings"?

Bikemoose said...
