Monday 23 October 2023

On the fast approaching move

It took a long time to get to sleep last night. I was awoken by the arrival of breakfast at 8. I promptly went back to sleep. I was re-awoken at 9 by the arrival of one of the ortho people who informed me that I was to be taken to be X-rayed, then have some staples and sutures taken out. He also said that I would shortly be transferred to convalesce. This was a lot to take in, especially before having eaten breakfast. I never did get breakfast (beyond one of Dominique’s double chocolate cookies) as the stretcher arrived and away I went to radiology.

It will not surprise anyone that the Montreal General Hospital has several X-ray rooms. I have been in several, but this was the first one with windows to the outside. It made the process more pleasant. They took X-rays of my pelvis and left leg. 

Back in my room, two nurses began the process of removing stitches and surgical staples from my pelvis and left leg. I left my bed at a low angle to avoid having see the leg. After a bit, I asked for my iPhone in order listen to some distracting music.

The lead nurse told me that I would be moving to the Centre d’Hébergement Champlain in Verdun. I was disappointed to learn that it would either today or tomorrow. Disappointed, as I had been hoping that my pelvic fixations would be removed before I went to convalesce. She also said the window for moving me was between 1 and 3 in the afternoon. Given that it is past three thirty as I write this, I can only assume the transfer will be tomorrow.

As is often case, your humble correspondent is ambivalent about this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good news, but I can see how it woukd be stressful. Alice