Thursday 26 October 2023

On an initial session with the Champlain physio

This afternoon I had a visit from first the occupational therapist (OT) who took some measurements of yours truly in order to determine which wheelchair I should be assigned. There are a range of wheelchair types and sizes. At some level, I had known this but never given it much thought. The OT said the physio would be along shortly as she left.

When Victoria the physio arrived, she set to work assessing my damaged limbs for degrees of mobility and strength. In process, she spent some time explaining how when the application was made for me to move here, she insisted that I had to be in a private room given my immobility and the issues getting me in and out of a wheelchair. (One of the features of this room is a roof mounted crane for just such a purpose. I don’t know how many rooms in this facility have them.) Hearing this encouraged me greatly. We discussed some of my long-term worries including whether I will have the nerve to get back on the bike. She made a very sensible observation to start somewhere small and safe, with a trusted helper. This made perfect sense to me and I elaborately slightly on the theme. I also said that the obvious, trusted helper was in his mid-seventies.

A few minutes later, said obvious, trusted helper knocked on the door. The Mole arrived for a planned visit. He has worked with physios and knows a lot of the really useful questions. Unfortunately, this led to Victoria recounting a “war story” in bit too much detail for my comfort. I politely asked her not to go any further.

A good day.


The Mole delivered a packet of chocolate mint Girl Guide cookies which had been mailed to me from Sioux Lookout by the usual suspects on behalf of Margo, who wasn’t able to secure any in Vancouver.

1 comment:

Susan Gwyn said...

How terrific! Onwards and upwards!