Saturday 2 March 2024

On it being the six month anniversary

It is now six months since my life was shattered like my tibia. Six months of hospital food. Six months of pain and tears. Six months of fixations in my tibia. Six months of the assorted indignities that hospitalization for my injuries mean. Half a year of my life has been disrupted and I don’t know when it will get back to something resembling my old life. 

One of the things that I try not to think about is whether I will be able to get back on my bike. My left ankle has a very limited range of motion. Will it get better? Furthermore, I simply don’t know if my psyche will let me ride in comfort. I rode with confidence anywhere from quiet tracks to huge cities, notably London and Madrid. Now…?

Cycling is a huge part of my life, my identity. This blog is proof enough of that, but as well my email is I sometimes call myself Bikemoose. Has the collision taken that from me?

1 comment:

Margo and Chris said...

Note from a fellow bike geek: won’t they start you ona a stationary bike? And there are physios who specialize in “bike fitting” and will probably start you with your saddle quite a bit lower at first. Ask the Gingras crew so as to air your very legitimate worries.